Voxeleron announces joint development agreement with Johns Hopkins
Voxeleron are pleased to announce their inter-institutional agreement with Johns Hopkins University to jointly develop automated methods to count corneal subbasal nerves. Based on an initial collaboration that demonstrated how corneal nerve assessment has the potential to diagnose and monitor peripheral neuropathy, this new effort aims to take the research…
The Current State of OCT Analysis Software
Greedy Solutions to Complex Problems? Reflecting in the build up to this year’s ARVO on the approaches used for OCT layer segmentation, two things are immediately apparent. Firstly, it’s a harder problem than people first thought. Marketing managers who ten years ago thought that, within a year or two, fully-automated,…
Notes from the Glaucoma 360 Keynote Speech
Dr. Richard Lewis presented this year’s keynote, “Bullish on Glaucoma, A 30-Year Perspective on Patient Care, Clinical Research, and Industry”, which comprised some lessons learned from his extensive experience at the interface between the clinical world and commercial product development in Glaucoma. He started by citing three examples of recent successes…
ARVO 2016 – Comparing Orion across OCT Devices
Voxeleron is pleased to announce the acceptance of our submission Comparison of Automated Retinal Segmentation across OCT Devices using Independent Analysis Software to the scientific sessions of the annual meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO 2016). We compared 233 eyes of MS patients imaged with both the…
Upcoming Events
ARVO Annual Meeting May 7th to the 11th, 2017 We will be exhibiting at booth #3520. The on-line planning for this conference is available here. Baltimore Convention Center, MD Past Exhibits ARVO Annual Meeting May 1st to the 4th, 2016 The Annual Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision…
The Enabling Technologies of OCT Angiography
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) angiography opens another exciting chapter in ophthalmic imaging. Based on motion contrast, and in the presence of motion-less structure, OCT angiography (OCT-A) resolves signal due to moving blood flow. It thereby offers a compelling alternative to fluorescein angiography (FA) for the visualization of vascular abnormalities without…
Introducing RPE-Baseline
In SD-OCT volumetric imaging you cannot always see Bruch’s membrane, the innermost layer of the choroid, lying at the base of the retinal layers. It is an important structural landmark for a variety of reasons and one that is important, therefore, to delineate in automated analysis. If it could always…
Real-Time Optical Coherence Tomography Segmentation?
The recent publication, “Real-Time Automatic Segmentation of Optical Coherence Tomography Volume Data of the Macular Region” by Tian et al. [1] raises the obvious question of what actually constitutes “real-time” processing? More broadly speaking, the paper reports on some segmentation results of OCT volumes acquired at the macula. The method…
OCT Angiography Summit – Technologies Session
OCT Angiography Technologies OHSU, Casey Eye Institute, July 25th, 2015. This past weekend I attended the first OCT angiography summit at the Casey Eye Institute, at Oregon Health and Science University. Held at an extremely impressive facility, this inaugural summit brought together the key innovators in OCT angiography (OCT-A), both…