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“With [Voxeleron], we can start to say [to our sponsors] what do you want to know rather than what can you learn. This is really changing that paradigm.  If you have a therapeutic that you would like to understand what part of the retina is being affected by it, we can now offer data to answer those questions.”

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“We are thrilled to partner with Voxeleron for our device-agnostic ophthalmic imaging analysis needs. Orion’s comprehensive capabilities and seamless compatibility with diverse imaging modalities have transformed our clinical trial operations. The intuitive interface and prompt support from the Voxeleron team have streamlined our processes, reducing reading times and boosting overall efficiency.”

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“Based on an early study of their results, I was encouraged to see the Voxeleron algorithm accurately segment layers on scans where a commercially available algorithm had failed. With the added ability to segment more retinal layers, I am interested in looking at new parameters for disease. We looked at numerous eyes and saw consistent results, and we plan to publish our findings.”

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iNebula is more than a clinical trial workflow platform. In addition to providing real-time access to clinical trial information, Voxeleron is re-imagining how we run and assess clinical trials. With iNebula, we can visualize data across all ophthalmic devices and then leverage the interface to derive correlations between data and clinical outcomes. iNebula’s imaging insights and synthesis of data improves and accelerates the clinical development of exciting new molecules.”

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“With Orion it takes me an hour whereas with the device software it takes me all day!”

“We evaluated a number of OCT analysis tools across multiple devices and concluded that Orion is superior in many respects. We work closely with the Voxeleron team to use Orion to maximize efficiencies and minimize errors.”

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Over the past decade the Voxeleron team has assisted with numerous advanced image analyses, computer vision evaluations, and cross-platform standardization. Recently, iNebula has provided a functional, easy, and simple interface for us to share image data from 103 study patients with various stakeholders in our development plan. A system like this is invaluable when managing large image datasets.”

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In partnering with Voxeleron, we are using the most intuitive and accurate common-platform OCT analysis methods available, which provides advantages that are directly passed along to our trial sponsors.”

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AuxogynWe engaged Voxeleron to help research and develop computer vision algorithms to support our product development, allowing us to accelerate our release schedule and get to market more quickly. They were able to take the lead on the computer vision research tasks that would feed a probabilistic inference engine that we had been developing. In addition, they spearheaded the development of the product code for these algorithms. They offered tremendous support during our regulatory process, helped us in recruiting additional computer vision personal, and developed and wrote a significant number of our algorithm testing verification and validation software and documents. Although they were external consultants they acted like and were trusted as though they were part of the team. Their high level of expertise and professionalism, along with their ability to seamlessly fit in with our company culture allows me to highly recommend them and thank them for their contributions to Auxogyn.

Vytronus LogoVoxeleron has been an indispensable consulting resource to VytronUS in support of our research, design and implementation of ultrasound image based visualization capabilities. They were able to quickly understand the challenges of our particular problem domain and leverage their broad expertise to not only guide our technical feasibility activity, but were key contributors throughout our algorithm evaluation, refinement, and final implementation phase. In addition to bringing high caliber technical capability to the team, they brought a collaborative work style that allowed them to improve the effectiveness of our internal staff. If you have a challenging computer vision problem to solve and need to move quickly, I’d highly recommend the services offered by Voxeleron.