Fundus Image Import
Included in the current release of Orion is the ability to import arbitrary fundus images, be they color fundus images, auto-fluoroscein or even microperimetry images. Orion doesn't need to know the field of view and you can either align them manually to the OCT data or automatically when an existing…
Deep Learning-based Multi-Class Fluid Segmentation in Swept-Source OCT Images
We have now submitted our recent work on the deep learning-based segmentation of intra-retinal (IRF), sub-retinal (SRF) and serous pigment epithelial detachments (PEDs) in swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT) images. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to publish such an algorithm using this increasingly important modality. …
Automated Assessment of Corneal Nerves using Deep Learning
Automated Assessment of Corneal Nerves using Deep Learning In vivo corneal microscopy has seen a recent resurgence in interest among both the research and clinical communities. The cornea is the most densely innervated tissue in the human body so the ability to capture near cellular resolution images of its different…
GTC 2020
While we would have loved to have delivered this talk in person at NVidia's GTC 2020, we applaud their decision, made weeks ago, to take this conference online. Our talk on Improving CNN Performance with Spatial Context - detailing some of our proprietary data normalization techniques can be viewed below…
gNet3D: Fully-3D Deep Learning for Detecting Glaucoma
We are pleased to announce the publication of our latest journal paper in the Special AI issue of Translation Vision Science and Technology (TVST). The paper, entitled A 3D Deep Learning System for Detecting Referable Glaucoma Using Full OCT Macular Cube Scans, details a method for the detection of referable…
Voxeleron featured at ARVO’s AI symposium
We were very excited to be invited to showcase Orion at ARVO's AI symposium. Here's peek at what we presented:
Voxeleron at ARVO 2019
Voxeleron at ARVO 2019 An international edition of ARVO is upon us! So we’re taking a break from poster formatting to reach out and send on some updates regarding the latest Orion release. If attending, please take a moment to visit our booth and see Orion for yourself (#932). We…
Orion Workflow Advantages
Orion is a feature packed research tool supporting OCT analysis. Its key features are: Device independence - same algorithm for all devices. State of the art analysis tools. Multi-layer segmentation. Angiography quantification. Longitudinal analysis. Best in class editing, annotation and visualization tools. But what is sometimes overlooked is how impactful…
Voxeleron works on detection of neurological diseases in OCT using AI and Dell workstations
In one of the many highlights of our collaboration with Dell, we show off our work with "Homer", our Dell Precision workstation.
Deep Learning for Prediction of AMD Progression
It is with great pleasure that we announce that Voxeleron's work on deep learning for age-related macular degeneration (AMD) predictive analytics has been published in this February's issue of Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science (IOVS). More than 10 million people in the US have AMD, and globally it is the…