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Voxeleron at ARVO 2017

With ARVO 2017 upon us, we’re taking now the opportunity to reconnect with some of the many updates from the Voxeleron team.  We hope that these are of interest and would be happy to hear back from you.  Better still,…

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Addendum to the Enabling Technologies of OCT-A Post

Addendum to the Enabling Technologies of OCT-Angiography Post One of the most exciting new applications of optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging has been OCT angiography (OCT-A), the ability to non-invasively visualize blood flow [Lumbroso 2016].  As a relatively new technology,…

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The Current State of OCT Analysis Software

Greedy Solutions to Complex Problems? Reflecting in the build up to this year’s ARVO on the approaches used for OCT layer segmentation, two things are immediately apparent.  Firstly, it’s a harder problem than people first thought.  Marketing managers who ten…

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