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ARVO 2021 Blog Post Pt 2

Introduction This post is the second in our series of notes from ARVO.  It follows an initial introductory post - here - that covered deep learning-based segmentation, with a focus on geographic atrophy.  This dovetails nicely into these notes that…

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ARVO 2021 Blog Post

Introduction ARVO this year was very different to say the least.  And while there was clearly a ton of excellent research presented, which was the one consistent thing about this year’s event, the inability to interact with fellow researchers was…

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Voxeleron at ARVO 2021

Voxeleron at ARVO 2021 While disappointed that we cannot meet again this year in person, we at Voxeleron are happy to instead meet virtually. We're available to meet throughout the conference - just use the "Talk Now" button - and…

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Voxeleron Awarded $1.6M Phase II SBIR Grant

Voxeleron announced today that it has been awarded a Phase II Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant for $1.6M from the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) National Center for the Advancement of Translational Sciences (NCATS), to develop a true vendor-neutral…

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