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Fundus Image Import

Included in the current release of Orion is the ability to import arbitrary fundus images, be they color fundus images, auto-fluoroscein or even microperimetry images.  Orion doesn't need to know the field of view and you can either align them…

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Voxeleron at ARVO 2019

Voxeleron at ARVO 2019 An international edition of ARVO is upon us!  So we’re taking a break from poster formatting to reach out and send on some updates regarding the latest Orion release.  If attending, please take a moment to…

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Orion Workflow Advantages

Orion is a feature packed research tool supporting OCT analysis.  Its key features are: Device independence - same algorithm for all devices. State of the art analysis tools. Multi-layer segmentation. Angiography quantification. Longitudinal analysis. Best in class editing, annotation and…

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