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Voxeleron at ARVO 2022

Voxeleron at ARVO 2022 It's great that ARVO commences again as an in person conference, so we very much look forward to interacting with fellow researchers and the community as a whole.  In the downtime we have at least been…

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Introducing 2d Segmentation

Introducing ZoneDetectTM We are pleased to announce the release of ZoneDetectTM, OrionTM’s new 2d segmentation tool.  ZoneDetect provides a fast, intuitive method for precise segmentations of 2D structures. Once approved by the reader, the measure is ready to be recorded…

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ARVO 2021 Blog Post Pt 3

Introduction This post is the third in our series of notes from ARVO.  It follows an initial introductory post about deep learning-based segmentation and a follow-up post that covered prediction models in AI.  This post brings attention back to the…

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